Arena: Cyber Evolution, or ACE, has been released on today on the glorious Steam Early Access. The game’s claim to fame is that it’s the world’s first MOSA, or Multiplayer Online Sports Arena. Formerly named Project Cyber, Arena: Cyber Evolution is hoping to build an E-Sports culture around the game from the ground up with today’s release.
Though it originally took notes from sports like soccer and hockey, and from Champion-oriented MOBAs like League of Legends and DoTA, ACE has taken shape quite differently from either source of inspiration: as a new sport in its own right. Unlike any other e-sport on the market, ACE allows the player to precisely control their character and the ball through direct mouse movement – no AI, no auto-targeting, and no constant clicking. In addition, ACE’s gameplay mechanics emphasize teamwork over individual strength; the game’s progression system allows experienced players to customize their character’s play-style; and the variation between characters ensures that no two matches are the same.
Arena: Cyber Evolution is available as a free download right now on Steam Early Access, paid DLC packs are available for 10% off.
Learn more about Spearhead Games and ACE at