Today we continue our introduction of the vehicles represented in Blitzkrieg 3. This time we are going to demonstrate you light and medium Allied tanks. You can see Stuarts, Shermans and other examples of British and US armor vehicles. Historical fact: even today, Stuarts which have been altered beyond recognition are serving the Brazilian army under the name Х1А2.More information about those tanks you’ve seen in the video you can get on our official website (
Blitzkrieg 3 is currently in development for PC, an early 2015 release date is expected. Learn more about the game at
Blitzkrieg 3 is set to release in the first half of 2015 with the Tactical Edition priced at $49.99 ($44.99 with the 10% pre-order discount) and the Strategic Edition priced at $78.99 ($54.99 with the 30% pre-order discount). Pre-order your copy at