Free Lives’ patriotic sidescrolling Early Access title Broforce received a brand new content update that added some new Bro stuff and balanced some other Bro stuff based on authentic BroFan feedback.
Time Bro, a Bro who has the power to slow down time and inflict definitive carnage against enemies with his beretta, and Broniversal Soldier, who can bring fallen bros and dead enemies back to fight alongside you because Freedom® never dies, are now playable. Players will also encounter a new mechanized enemy unit who wreak massive mech destruction because mechs are awesome killing machines but must be stopped at all costs in the name of freedom, justice and the American way. Oh, and when you stop it you can get inside and f*ck shit up.
Additionally, based on the fan feedback in Early Access, changes to Indianna Brones, the Mammoth Kopter boss and more have been made because Democracy. The full list of updates is available on the game’s Steam forum.
If you haven’t purchased Broforce yet, you can do so now at Do it for America bros.