Puuba, the team behind the genre-bending indie game Concursion, are set to go head to head in a speedrun challenge this Thursday on Twitch.tv. In a match of the ages, Danny “Danger” Garfield is taking on Puuba Dave to see which developer can make his way through the game with the fastest time.
If you’ve never played Concursion, it’s best described as a mashup of a bunch of classic 8-bit games that combines elements from multiple games at the same time. Players must call upon long dormant skills to complete even a single level of this fast-paced and difficult game.
We took a look at the game a short while back and found the game to be pretty demanding as platformer-type games go. During our review of Concursion, we mentioned that the game might be a speedrunner’s dream. The fact that the developers are actually holding their own speedrun even is pretty awesome.
Danny ‘Danger’ Garfield, Primary Architect of Concursion says: “We are about to find out who the number one contender is. Judgement day is approaching. The champ is here!”
Puuba ‘Born Ready’ Dave, Quality Assurance Engineer states: ‘The fans all want to know the truth. You want Puuba Dave as the underlying champion. There’ll be hell in the cell. There is no escape. There is only Team Dave.”
Fans can vote for their favorite on YouTube using the hashtags #TeamDanny and #TeamDave. Puuba will be giving away prizes during the show that will include Concursion Steam codes and other goodies.
You can watch as the mayhem unfolds live on Twitch.tv/PuubaDanny starting at 5pm PDT this Thursday the 10th.
You can grab your very own copy of Concursion right now on Steam at http://store.steampowered.com/app/303340/