The team at IndieBox have sent out this month’s packages, which should now be safely in the hands of subscribers. The IndieBox Collector’s Edition for this month is Luftrausers, Vlambeer and Devolver Digital’s popular flying ace combat game.
For those that aren’t already familiar with IndieBox, each month subscribers receive in the mail a package that contains a physical collector’s edition of a unique indie game. As most indie PC games exist in a purely digital form, IndieBox is flipping the establishment on its head with these boxes. The contents of each box are a kept as a well-guarded secret in an effort to maximize the feeling of excitement when subscribers open that month’s IndieBox for the first time. In addition to the DRM-free physical copy of the game, IndieBoxes will come with a game manual, a unique box for display, the official soundtrack, and many other exclusive game-related goodies.
The September IndieBox includes:
- Cover Art by
- USB Game Cartridge This month’s cartridge includes the DRMfree version of
- Luftrausers and game demos for AirBrawl and Super Scrapped Robot
- Steam Key Luftrausers
- 16page Color Manual
- Original CD Soundtrack
- Bonus CD track by Shael Riley and the Double Ice Backfire
- Combat Medal
- IronOn Luftrausers Patch
- Foam Fighter Plane
- Custom Luftrausers IndieBox Sticker
To learn more about IndieBox, head over to Follow the team on Twitter at @TheIndieBox.