Along with the other changes to Dota 2 that went live with the Three Spirits Update Valve added a tiny change that was surely quite shocking to the owners of some very rare courier items. Read on!
Check out the quote from Shacknews on the changes…
The change that’s making waves, though, is an overhaul of crafting introducing recipe scrolls, which allow you to combine items to get something fancier. This, in addition to sockets on cosmetic items, means you’ll be able to make really customised items.
This is all very interesting of course, but as PCGamesN points out, it also means that unusual couriers are no longer as rare as they were after Valve patched out randomly generated coloured flame particle effects just a few weeks after introduction. One unique example was sold for $38,000 last week, and in a very short amount of time there will be copycats popping up everywhere. Ouch.
Reports across various forums are of many players who were holding these items in hopes of scoring a quick buck or maybe holding on for a while in hopes of highers profits down the road only to find out that the item is now essentially worthless. A forum member reported his item previously considered a quick sell at $2000 was worthless as of this morning.