Hack ‘n’ Slash follows a young elf adventurer who uses her computer hacking skills to cheat her way through a classic action adventure game. The game aims to allow non-programmers the opportunity to delve behind the scenes of a game to uncover hidden secrets normally only viewable by a curious and elite few.
A little over a year ago Double Fine partnered with Humble Bundle, opened the process to the public, and invited anyone to vote on their favorite prototype. It’s how we got Spacebase DF-9, and now, Hack ‘n’ Slash.
Production of the game was funded by Indie Fund, Humble Bundle, Hemisphere Games (makers ofOsmos), The Behemoth (makers of Castle Crashers), Morgan Webb (of X-Play fame, RIP), and others.
It should be noted that when Double Fine released the announcement the picture you see above is actually a 12mb zip file that secretly can be unpacked to reveal additional details about the game including audio files. Very clever and fitting for the theme of the game. Curious secret seekers found this message in the image description.
You may have figured out that this JPEG is more than just an image. It is not an ARG. It is not a transmedia narrative. It’s just a puzzle we’ve built for you that will give you some more Hack ‘n’ Slash tidbits as you peel back its layers. If you’re into that kind of thing, we hope you enjoy it!