Have you ever felt slightly jealous over the physical game collections that all of your console peasant friends have? Even as a member of the PC Master Race, it’s ok to feel a bit of jealousy now and again. One thing consoles gamers have always had going for them is the ability to line up your game collection to show off to all of your friends. Thanks in part to our lord and savior Gaben (and broadband internet), the PC landscape has gone down a very different path. Digital copies have mostly become the standard method of delivery for PC games.
Well brothers, starting today things are changing! IndieBox is hoping to make a big splash in the market with a pretty unique idea that’s sure to appeal to the nostalgic side of gamers. For a small monthly fee IndieBox wants to mail you out a super exclusive Collector’s Edition of a new indie game each month. The contents of each IndieBox is a highly guarded secret, but as someone who has put my hands on the physical box I can tell you it’s not something you’ll want to miss out on.
Each month’s IndieBox will include a DRM-free copy of the the game loaded onto an amazing looking custom USB drive, plus other physical goodies. Without spoiling the surprise, each month’s box comes packed with exclusive extras that you’re not able to get anywhere else. The contents of the IndieBox come in a custom printed box for you to display to all of your console peasant friend. IndieBox is working with a variety of developers and publishers to bring the best of indie gaming onto your shelf each month.
The best part about the whole deal is the way they keep the contents of each IndieBox a total secret. The IndieBox that arrives in your mailbox is discretely packaged so that you have the maximum amount of suprise as you tear open the package and explore what’s inside. You really can’t put a price on the amount of nostalgia and happiness you’ll feel as you explore the contents of your IndieBox each month.
If you’re worried about compatibility, I’m told that each game featured as an IndieBox will come as PC, Mac, and Linux compatible. Die-hard indie game fans are going to want to get in on the IndieBox action most Ricky-tick as each month brings goodies that you literally cannot get anywhere else on Earth. If you’re wary of the value of what you’re getting each month, I can tell you that the first IndieBox features a game that would normally run you $9.99 for the regular Steam version and $14.99 for the game + soundtrack. Subscribe for the 6 month plan and you’d get the entire IndieBox for what it would cost you just for the game and soundtrack, the value here is phenomenal.
You can check out IndieBox for yourself at www.theindiebox.com
Check out the clip below for a time lapse video of the boxing of the very first IndieBoxes.