The complicated and just sad story of 38 Studios rolls along as the much talked about auction for the Kingdoms of Amalur IP happens on December 11th. A whole slew of additional IP from 38 Studios will also be up for auction that day including the completed Rise of Nations Tactics game rumored to be developed for Mac or iOS.
Curt Shilling, the famous baseball player turned failed 38 Studios founder is holding out hope that a major party decided to pony up the cash to get the team back to work.
“If someone were to buy Amalur, put team back on it, it’s a billion dollar franchise, 2 years later and still no ones done what we were doing.”
It might be a long shot but the MMORPG was rumored to have some promise, though the MMO market is quite established already and the idea of breaking into it with a title whose only real claim to fame is bankrupting a studio might prove tricky for prospective bidders.