Nordic Games has released a brand new update for Red Faction Guerrilla that does away with Games for Windows Live, on top of adding a huge list of new features and bug fixes. To sweeten the deal even more, the game is currently on sale for $2.99 (a glorious 85% off) on Steam for the next 2 days.
Steam Edition Feature Highlights:
- Added Steam Trading Cards
- DirectX 11 Render Backend instead of DirectX 10 (DirectX 9 still available as a fall-back option)
- Added Behemoth Mode (= Wrecking Crew Mode with Mechs)
- Matchmaking and Multiplayer via Steamworks
- Added Host Migration functionality
- Added Join in Progress functionality to join matches that have already started
- No Games for Windows Live sign-in required
- Leaderboards via Steam
- Voice Chat via Steam
- Achievements via Steam
- At first launch the game attempts to migrate savegames from GFWL to the new system
- Added Russian, Polish and Czech Localization
Misc Changes:
- Added Achievements to DLC content
- Fixed camera speed in vehicles
- Steam offline mode enabled
- Removed XP limitation for all multiplayer game modes.
- Added voice chat “push to talk” option. It’s enabled by default and it can be changed in the audio options. It’s binded to key “Z” by default.
- Added “Join chat” in matchmaking lobby. When using this option you will be joining RFG chat root
- Changed minimum player number for Siege and Large Mixer to 6
- Fixed mouse acceleration when driving walkers
- Added ability to view Steam Gamer profile in leaderboards and in-game scoreboard
- The time limit between lobby disconnects is doubled
- Minimum players required to start the team game is four and for normal game it’s three.
- Removed Aim Assist in Multiplayer
- Various Stability improvements
Grab your copy of Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam Edition on Steam