PC Master Race brothers, the time is nearly upon us for the great Steam Summer Sale.
Yesterday, some “Mysterious Cards” began appearing on Steam. Veterans of the previous Steam Sales are quite familiar with the trading cards that go along with the event. It would appear that these new cards will be the set that coincides with the sale, which means the beginning of the Steam Summer Sale is drawing near.
Glorious Cards
But he became bored and was desiring to play; but while they were making preparations, he fell into a trance; and he saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet coming down, lowered by four corners to the ground, and there were in it all kinds of $1 games and everything was 90% off as far as the eye could see.
– Peter’s Vision
The Book of Gaben
Coinciding with these Mysterious Cards are leaks from both Reddit and NeoGAF users who have offered additional photo evidence of the impending sale. Advertisements for PlaySafeCards and a notice from Valve to game developers indicate a date of June 19th – 30th for the Steam Summer Sale 2014. Prepare your wallets.