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While crunching numbers in benchmarks, performing side by side comparisons, and weighing various mice on a scale might be the standard fare of hardware review sites, these are details that the average gamer isn’t terrible concerned about. If you’re the kind of person that needs that exact information for shaming your poor friends, there are plenty of places on the web to satisfy that need. At Gamecrastinate, we’re interested in how a device works for the average gamer. More often than not, this is a person that drops $60 on a mouse because they are hoping that it performs better than their previous mouse at everyday tasks, not because it benchmarks well or weighs 2 grams less than another brand’s device.
Following that viewpoint, we found that the G402 far exceeded our expectations. Using the G402’s Logitech Gaming Software, I was able to easily configure the mouse to my personal preferences. The G402 offers a DPI range between 240 – 4000, and over 500 IPS thanks to the Fusion Engine. Using the Logitech Gaming Software’s integrated speedometer, moving the mouse as frantically as possible resulted in me maxing out around 99 IPS with the Fusion Engine off, and 150 IPS with the Fusion Engine on. With a claimed maximum of over 500 IPS, I came to the sobering conclusion that the mouse in front of me was quite possibly 5x more precise than the hand that controlled it. It would seem that the robotic revolution has arrived at my doorstep in the form of a pointing device.
In my eyes, the benchmarks numbers for a mouse could very well be reduced down to a simple binary value. Can the mouse respond to movements as fast as you can do them? Yes=1, No=0. For our binary test, the G402 scores a perfect 1 out of 1. It’s much faster than your fleshy human arm, and can do whatever you do on a flat mousepad surface, just better. I have trouble envisioning many scenarios where a gamer of any skill level would require a mouse that performs outside of the G402’s capabilities.
Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury Gaming Mouse
Summary: The G402 Hyperion Fury represents the evolution of gaming mouse technology. The integrated G-Sensor and 32-bit ARM processor that make up the Fusion Engine are game changer when it comes to reliable input precision.
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