SPACECOM is highly strategic starfleet command game set to release on September 17th. Developed by Flow Combine and produced by 11 bit launchpad, the game is highly focused on multiplayer battles.
SPACECOM tasks players with defending and expanding their territory, all while trying to defeat 5 other players in a duel to the death. SPACECOM features a short single player campaign that also functions as the tutorial. In addition, players may battle against AI opponents in Skirmish mode. The real meat of the game, though, is in SPACECOM‘s Multiplayer mode. Players face off against 5 other opponents, battling against all odds to rule the galaxy.
Rather than dumping all of their resources into creating a game with the most cutting edge graphics around, Flow Combine has stripped down the game to its bare components. The game is decidedly minimalist, though not much as something like rymdkapsel. The beauty in the minimalistic design is that by removing the pomp and flash, SPACECOM‘s focus on deep strategic gameplay is on full display at all times.
Flow Combine has taken a gameplay concept that has been quite popular on smartphones in recent years and expanded upon the basic idea, creating a simple yet highly strategic game. Initially, players start out with a few planets and ships. Each planet may be retrofitted with 3 possible upgrades that enhance its ability to withstand invasions. Planets are categorized as one of 4 different hub types. Some hubs act as mines that provide resources to your empire, others build or repair your fleet of spaceships.
By strategically capturing different planets players can expand their reach in the galaxy and create virtual choke points that block other players from invading deep into your territory. Players have access to 3 different types of ships. Battle, Invasion, and Siege units may used at the players discretion to both attack and defend. Battleships help to offer defense and initiate planetary attacks, Invasion ships act as a planetary strike force to capture the planet, and Siege ships can be utilized to destroy the planet and devalue its worth for your opponents.
How exactly to conquer the galaxy is entirely up to the player, although winning the game will require strategic thinking and a lot of multitasking. Despite not openly displaying damage numbers and other such calculations, SPACECOM still manages to have an air of simulation behind the gameplay. Instead of luck, players will need to depend on their thinking skills to succeed in this corner of space.
With its focus on high strategy, SPACECOM‘s gameplay was impressively addictive. With its launch just about a week away, players will need to wait a bit longer until they can get their hands on the game.