Gaming News
It goes without saying that Humble Bundle has revolutionized the way people buy digital products, but that’s not where the companies...
Gaming News
The latest Humble Bundle is live and it’s quite the deal. The Humble Jumbo Bundle 2 features 7 games plus DLC content and more games are on the...
Gaming News
Simulators are stepping up to the plate this week for the PC team in the latest Humble Bundle Weekly Sale – Simulators 2!.This week’s bundle...
Gaming News
If the entire Bioshock series, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and Spec Ops: The Line wasn’t enticing enough, the Humble 2K bundle has sweetened the pot just...
Gaming News
If you’re a gamer that uses the internet you may have heard the name Brandon Boyer in recent days. Gamers are an often misunderstood culture...
Gaming News
The latest Humble Bundle sure is a good deal for strategy gamers. For the next 2 weeks gamers will have the opportunity to pick up the Sid Meier...
Gaming News
If you’ve never experienced the fantastic Penny Arcade series On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness you’re seriously missing out. Now is your...
Gaming News
The Humble Jumbo Bundle debuted yesterday afternoon. The bundle this week is a great deal as it includes a number of first time bundle games in the...
Gaming News
Child’s Play Charity celebrated 10 years of giving back on behalf of gamers by announcing that they’ve generated a staggering $20 million dollars...
Gaming News
The folks at Humble Bundle are basically just printing money at this point. Courtesy of SteamDb we’ve got a new bundle on the horizon.Some...