Rock Paper Shotgun has a fantastic article with Blizzard regarding some on the upcoming Diablo 3 changes. They also asked the most important question at all….
Check out the question and the answer below it. RPS obviously hit a sore spot with their inquiry.
RPS: What if people don’t want to commit to a community? What if they just want to play the game?
Martens: We didn’t make that game. That’s the straight-up answer. We did not make that game, and we’re not going to turn this game into that game. We have the online mode because we learned a lot over the many, many years that Diablo II was in development.
That was the wrong choice to allow people to play offline, and we still stand by that. And we think Internet access is widespread. If someone has no Internet access, then yeah, Diablo III is not the game for them.
[PR motions that time is up]
RPS: Thanks for your time.