Gaming News
To help mark the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, Relic Entertainment’s Quinn Duffy sat down with Military Consultant and...
Gaming News
The Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault standalone campaign places you in the heart of the Battle of the Bulge, arguably the greatest...
Gaming News
For the very first time in the Company of Heroes franchise, players will be able to choose between three different Companies, all with their own...
Gaming News
Gamers eagerly awaiting the June 24th release of Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies got a bit of a surprise today as the game was...
Gaming News
To improve their game in the audio department for the upcoming Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies expansion, Relic sent their team into...
Gaming News
The NDA for Relic’s upcoming standalone mutliplayer expansion, Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies, has just been partially lifted. The...
Gaming News
Along with the news of today’s partial NDA lifting for beta testers, Relic has released a trailer video for each of the new teams featured in the...
Relic has unveiled a brand new trailer for Company of Heroes 2: The Western Fronts Armies to celebrate the beginning of pre-orders for the...
Gaming News
If you’re a CoH2 player you’re probably already familiar with the imbalances present in the game since the previous patch. Players on the Soviet...
Gaming News
Reinforcements have arrived comrade! Relic announced the upcoming standalone multiplayer content for Company of Heroes 2. Coming this June 2014,...